Beta Version Two

This beta does not have a devlog video attached, so I will just go into all that changed from Beta V1 to Beta V2.

8 new bugs were added, including 3 new dragonflies.

Instead of just releasing bugs, you can now sell them at the pet stall and see how many coins you have.

There is more than just one scene, go left and right from the main scene to access the two new areas to explore

Updated the main menu to feature controls, settings, and credits

Added weather particle effects under settings, more will be added in that regards.

Hopefully next beta version will have a devlog attached, I just do not have much time to make one at the moment.

If you want to play previous versions and betas, they are available to download as a windows application or .exe file.


Beta V2 Play in browser
Jun 26, 2020
Beta V2 13 MB
Jun 26, 2020

Get Doggo's Dream City(CANCELLED)

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